Live 170.7300 -0.04% | Set Alert |
= | 170.7300 GBP into HTG |
Bid: 170.713 | |
Ask: 170.727 | |
Today’s Open: 170.796 | |
Today’s High: 170.83 | |
Today’s Low: 170.727 | |
Previous day’s Close: 170.794 | |
Current Week High: 171.625 | |
Current Week Low: 169.053 | |
Current Month High: 171.625 | |
Current Month Low: 169.053 | |
Year 2024 High: 177.475 | |
Year 2024 Low: 163.302 |
Our latest figures show the Pound trading at 170.73 against the Haiti Gourde, a slight decrease of -0.04% from yesterday’s close. Over the past five days, the rate reached a high of 171.625 and a low of 169.053, resulting in a +0.67% change. The annual peak is recorded at 177.475, with a positive change of +3.95%. For more statistics, please see the table below.
Today’s Price: | 170.73 |
One Week Change | |
Average Exchange Rate of the Past 5 Days: | 170.502 |
Price Change Five Day: | 1.136 |
Percent Change Five Day: | +0.67% |
One Month Change | |
Average Exchange Rate of the Past 20 Days: | 170.987 |
Price Change Twenty Day: | -1.361 |
Percent Change Twenty Day: | -0.79% |
50 Days Change | |
Average Exchange Rate of the Past 50 Days: | 172.784 |
Price Change Fifty Day: | -3.358 |
Percent Change Fifty Day: | -1.93% |
100 Days Change | |
Average Exchange Rate of the Past 100 Days: | 171.358 |
Price Change One Hundred Day: | 2.838 |
Percent Change One Hundred Day: | +1.69% |
200 Days Change | |
Average Exchange Rate of the Past 200 Days: | 169.433 |
Price Change Two Hundred Day: | 3.163 |
Percent Change Two Hundred Day: | +1.89% |
Current Volume: | 142 |
Today's Volume US Dollar Equivalent: | 0 |
Average Daily Volume Traded 5 Days: | 1228 |
Average Daily Volume Traded 20 Days: | 1299 |
Average Daily Volume Traded 50 Days: | 1284 |
Average Daily Volume Traded 100 Days: | 1291 |
Average Daily Volume Traded 200 Days: | 1433 |
Average Daily Volume Traded Year-to-Date: | 1447 |
Highest Exchange Rate: | 172.983 (2024-10-10) |
Lowest Exchange Rate: | 169.053 (2024-11-06) |
Highest Exchange Rate: | 177.475 (2024-09-25) |
Lowest Exchange Rate: | 167.706 (2024-08-09) |
Highest Exchange Rate: | 177.475 (2024-09-25) |
Lowest Exchange Rate: | 165.31 (2024-05-10) |
Highest Exchange Rate: | 177.475 (2024-09-25) |
Lowest Exchange Rate: | 161.585 (2023-11-13) |