Live British Pound to South African Rand Exchange Rate(GBP/ZAR) Interbank Conversion:

What is the British Pound to South African Rand Rate Today?

The live GBP/ZAR exchange rate is23.3494
Change on Previous Day's Close+0.45%

How does Today's South African Rand Rate Compare with Previous Rates?

Today's opening exchange rate is23.2436
Today's lowest exchange rate is23.2415
Today's best exchange rate is23.4078
Best exchange rate of the year-to-date is24.5934 (23-02-2024)
The lowest exchange rate of the year-to-date is22.3802 (02-11-2023)

News and Forecasts:

The South African Reserve Bank (SARB) cut interest rates but warned that it remained cautious when considering further cuts, which should ensure that the Rand ultimately remains supported.

September 20,2024

The South African Rand is forecast to strengthen against the U.S. Dollar, Pound and Euro by analysts at Investec.

September 16,2024

A key growth engine of the South African economy has recovered to pre-Covid levels, according to new data.

September 12,2024

The South African Rand reached a one-year high on Friday and looks poised for further strength, according to Commerzbank.

September 2,2024

The Pound to South African Rand exchange rate has unraveled much of July’s rally already but it would risk falling further in the days ahead, and as far as roughly the 22.84 level, if the US Dollar remains soft.

August 20,2024

The Pound to South African rand exchange rate has receded from late July and early August’s highs but in most plausible scenarios it could be likely to steady around the nearby 23.11 level in the days ahead.

August 15,2024

The Pound to South African rand exchange rate rallied further off its year-to-date lows to open the new week and the author’s model suggests it could be likely to remain buoyant above 23.50 in the days ahead, and that gains could be likely to fade around 23.80 even if global markets remain under pressure.

August 6,2024

One of the world's biggest investment banks says it is constructive on the South African Rand's prospects.

July 18,2024

The South African Rand has further appreciation potential as the country's new political settlement is yet to be fully discounted.

July 8,2024

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