Current account deficit

When it comes to the Pound - keep the current account in mind - it is arguably the single most important economic concept when it comes to determining currency value.

September 30,2021

Lloyds Bank forecasts

The UK economy will see its growth rate fall below its longer-term trend over coming months warns analyst Nikes Sawjani at Lloyds Bank.

June 29,2017

Theresa May calls snap election

The repercussions of Theresa May’s ill-fated attempt to secure a large majority in the UK parliament appears to spreading to the economy.

June 27,2017

Manufacturing data picks up notably

Manufacturing firms reported that both their total and export order books had strengthened to multi-decade highs in June, according to the CBI’s latest Industrial Trends Survey.

June 22,2017

Haldane Bank of England

Bank of England Chief Economist Andy Haldane sent ripples across financial markets on Wednesday, June 22 having stated that a “partial withdrawal of the additional policy insurance the MPC put in place last year would be prudent relatively soon”.

June 22,2017

ECB eurozone inflation

A huge inflation-themed headache lies ahead for policy-makers at the European Central Bank (ECB) who are likely to preside over Eurozone inflation falling well below their 2% target over coming months.

June 21,2017

retail sales exchange rates 2

UK Retail Sales, out this morning will show the state of high street spending and provide and insight into the UK economy

June 15,2017

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