Live British Pound to South African Rand Exchange Rate(GBP/ZAR) Interbank Conversion:

What is the British Pound to South African Rand Rate Today?

The live GBP/ZAR exchange rate is23.4961
Change on Previous Day's Close-1.35%

How does Today's South African Rand Rate Compare with Previous Rates?

Today's opening exchange rate is23.8185
Today's lowest exchange rate is23.4209
Today's best exchange rate is23.873
Best exchange rate of the year-to-date is24.72 (01-06-2023)
The lowest exchange rate of the year-to-date is22.3802 (02-11-2023)

News and Forecasts:

The correlation between the price of gold and the South African Rand has reached a seven month high, shows new analysis.

April 22,2024

The South African 2024 Budget offers a "welcome short-term relief" from deteriorating confidence in South Africa's fiscal fundamentals, but structural challenges remain that should ensure risk premia remains embedded in ZAR.

February 22,2024

The South African Rand rose following the National Budget announcement that showed the government refrained from announcing a significant spending spree just months ahead of an important general election.

February 21,2024

The South African Rand is undervalued as investors fear the upcoming elections will result in a coalition government, according to a new analysis from Investec, the South African investment and commercial banking services provider.

February 12,2024

Nedbank expects the rand to remain under pressure until the uncertainties around the election and the fiscal trajectory have been resolved.

February 5,2024

Financial analysts are calling for swift action to address gaps in the regulatory environment within South Africa that allows banks to offer extended loan terms – often without consumers fully understanding the length of time their loans will take to repay or the total cost of credit.

January 9,2024

The South African Rand should be getting its skates on and outperforming its global peers as the U.S. Dollar retreats, according to Goldman Sachs, but it has disappointed.

December 5,2023

The South African Rand and other emerging market currencies face increasing headwinds amidst rising global bond yields that have prompted two major investment banks to announce new sell recommendations on the currency.

October 9,2023

There is enough negativity embedded in the price of the South African Rand and pressures should ease as negative global investor sentiment towards the Chinese economy improves.

September 19,2023

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