Live British Pound to South African Rand Exchange Rate(GBP/ZAR) Interbank Conversion:

What is the British Pound to South African Rand Rate Today?

The live GBP/ZAR exchange rate is23.4961
Change on Previous Day's Close-1.35%

How does Today's South African Rand Rate Compare with Previous Rates?

Today's opening exchange rate is23.8185
Today's lowest exchange rate is23.4209
Today's best exchange rate is23.873
Best exchange rate of the year-to-date is24.72 (01-06-2023)
The lowest exchange rate of the year-to-date is22.3802 (02-11-2023)

News and Forecasts:

south african rand pound sterling forecast

We consider the prospects of the British pound sterling to South African Rand exchange rate and note the GBP has the upper hand.

March 10,2014

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The South African Rand fell to a five-year low against the US Dollar yesterday in a day which saw thin trading of the currency.

March 10,2014

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