old pound sterling coinThe Pound Sterling Live brings you a series of articles on the fascinating history of the British Pound and the people and institutions that built the currency.

denarius origin pound sterlingWelcome to the third article in a series of insights into the fascinating past of the UK currency. Here we dwell on the accounting behind the Pound at the time of its formation around 1080 - 1100.

September 8,2013

why is a pound called a poundThis the second article in a series of insights into the fascinating past of the UK currency. Here we ask, why is a Pound a Pound, and when was the £ symbol first used?  

September 8,2013

henry 1 and the first use of the word sterlingThe first insight in our series on the fascinating past of the UK currency. We ask, when was the word Sterling first used?

September 8,2013